Due Diligence

When one of the first national ambulance companies was being assembled, we were providing custom billing and operations reporting systems to one of the first acquisitions. We were uniquely positioned to work with the blue chip accounting firm doing the due diligence support. We were able to provide data not only from our systems in a timely and flexible manner, but also to slice and dice the data as required by the auditors.

The challenges were to provide data from different aspects of the business in the specified format so that the auditors could use their existing spreadsheets and macros. We had to provide the data quickly, since the auditors were on-site for a limited time. We had to provide the data in the classic reporting pyramid, with reams of detail at first and then an ascending level of summary as each level was approved. The auditors wanted a manageable summary for their report, but they needed to trust the summary before they would put their name on it.